Native Node

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You can install rings-node either from Cargo or from source.

From Cargo:

cargo install rings-node

Rings Network is written in Rust. Cargo is a package management tool for the Rust language. You can learn about how to install and use Cargo here.

From Source

git clone
cd rings-node
cargo build


rings <command> [options]


  • help: displays the usage information.

  • init: creates a default configuration file named config.toml in the current directory. This file can be edited to customize the behavior of the rings-node daemon.

  • run: runs the rings-node daemon. This command starts the daemon process, which will validate transactions, maintain the blockchain, and participate in consensus to earn rewards. By default, the daemon will use the config.toml file in the current directory for configuration. Use the "-c" or "--config" option to specify a custom configuration file.


  • -c, --config <FILE>: specifies a custom configuration file to use instead of the default config.toml. The configuration file is used to specify the network configuration, account settings, and other parameters that control the behavior of the rings-node daemon.

  • -h, --help: displays the usage information.

  • -V, --version: displays the version information for rings-node.

Last updated