DHT - Network Layer

The Chord Algorithm

The Rings Network leverages the Chord algorithm for its DHT implementation. The Chord algorithm is a protocol for lookup in a peer-to-peer distributed system that allows nodes in the network to find the location of data. It enables effective routing of messages and storage of key-value pairs in a peer-to-peer setting, guaranteeing high availability in the Rings Network.

In the Rings Network, the network is organized as a ring topology, where each node is linked to two other nodes. This design maximizes the functionality of the Chord algorithm for quick and effective participant lookup and location.


A DHT is a class of decentralized distributed systems that provide a lookup service similar to a hash table; key-value pairs are stored in a DHT, and any participating node can efficiently retrieve the value associated with a given key. The main advantage of a DHT is that nodes can join or leave the network with minimal disruption.


Chord is a protocol and algorithm for a peer-to-peer distributed hash table. It specifies how keys are assigned to nodes, and how a node can discover the value for a given key by first locating the node responsible for that key.

Chord organizes nodes into a circular ID space, often visualized as a ring. Each node in the network has a unique identifier, and each data item identified by a key is assigned to the node whose identifier is closest to the key (according to a certain distance metric). When a node needs to find the value associated with a key, it uses the Chord protocol to locate the node responsible for that key. This is done using a "finger table" that each node maintains - a sort of routing table with pointers to other nodes in the network. This structure allows for efficient routing of queries to the appropriate node.

Chord provides a fast, distributed lookup method that scales logarithmically with the number of nodes. That is, even as the network grows large, the number of steps required to find the node storing a particular key remains relatively small. This makes it very efficient for large-scale distributed systems, where resources might be spread across many nodes and those nodes may be constantly joining or leaving the network.

Correct Chord

Correct Chord is derived from Pamela Zave's work on Chord, and it encompasses two core principles:

  • Chord must be initialized with a ring containing a minimum of r +1 nodes, where r is the length of each node’s list of successors. In fact, to be proven correct, a Chord network must maintain a “stable base” of r + 1 nodes that remain members of the network throughout its lifetime.

  • The Chord Paper defined the maintenance and use of finger tables, which improve lookup speed by providing pointers that cross the ring like chords of a circle. Because finger tables are an optimization and they are built from successors and predecessors, correctness does not depend on them.

Rings Network builds upon Correct Chord and incorporates several modifications, including support for multiple successors and improved stabilization algorithms, among other enhancements.

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